


In addition to cloud providers, security vendors also provide DDoS API resources to help you secure your system against DDoS attacks. Some of the popular DDoS API resources provided by security vendors include Akamai Cloud Security, Imperva DDoS Protection, Radware DefensePro, and Fortinet FortiDDoS. These DDoS API resources offer advanced features such as AI-based detection and mitigation, behavioral analysis, and SSL encryption offload. With these comprehensive solutions, you can defend against complex DDoS attacks and ensure business continuity.

DDoS,即分布式拒绝服务攻击(Distributed Denial of Service),是一种网络攻击方式,攻击者通过多个地点的“肉鸡”(被感染的计算机)向目标网站发送大量请求,从而造成服务器的过载和宕机,使网站无法正常运行。
